
100 Contoh Soal Assesment Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

100 Contoh Soal Assesment Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka.

In this section, please choose one of the best answers to the questions!

1. Alice: "What did you do yesterday?"
Bob: "I went to the zoo with my family."

What did Bob do yesterday?
a. He went to the mall.
b. He went to the zoo. (Correct Answer)
c. He stayed at home.
d. He went to the park.

2. Sam: "Do you like reading books?"
Lisa: "Yes, I love reading novels."

What does Lisa love?
a. Reading comics.
b. Reading novels. (Correct Answer)
c. Reading magazines.
d. Watching movies.

3. Teacher: "Why didn't you do your homework?"
Student: "I was sick yesterday."

Why didn't the student do the homework?
a. The student forgot.
b. The student was busy.
c. The student was sick. (Correct Answer)
d. The student was lazy.

4. Tom: "Where are you going?"
Jane: "I am going to the library."

Where is Jane going?
a. To the library. (Correct Answer)
b. To the market.
c. To the park.
d. To the school.

5. Mike: "Do you play any sports?"
Sara: "Yes, I play basketball and tennis."

Which sports does Sara play?
a. Basketball and soccer.
b. Tennis and badminton.
c. Basketball and tennis. (Correct Answer)
d. Tennis and volleyball.

6. Anna: "What's your favorite subject?"
Ben: "I like Mathematics the most."

What is Ben's favorite subject?
a. Science.
b. Mathematics. (Correct Answer)
c. English.
d. History.

7. Mary: "When is your birthday?"
John: "It's on May 5th."

When is John's birthday?
a. May 5th. (Correct Answer)
b. June 5th.
c. May 15th.
d. April 5th.

8. Kevin: "How did you go to school today?"
Emily: "I rode my bicycle."

How did Emily go to school today?
a. By bus.
b. By car.
c. By bicycle. (Correct Answer)
d. By walking.

9. Teacher: "What is your hobby?"
Jack: "I love painting."

What is Jack's hobby?
a. Reading.
b. Painting. (Correct Answer)
c. Dancing.
d. Singing.

10. Linda: "Can you help me with my homework?"
Peter: "Sure, I can help you."

Will Peter help Linda with her homework?
a. Yes. (Correct Answer)
b. No.
c. Maybe.
d. Later.

True or False Questions:

11. "Tom likes to play soccer on weekends."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True.
b. False. (Correct Answer)

12. "Jane is going to the market to buy vegetables."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True.
b. False. (Correct Answer)

13. "Lisa's favorite color is blue."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True. (Correct Answer)
b. False.

14. "The library is closed on Sundays."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True.
b. False. (Correct Answer)

15. "John and Mary are brother and sister."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True. (Correct Answer)
b. False.

Complex Questions (More than one correct answer):

16. Which of the following are fruits?
a. Apple. (Correct Answer)
b. Carrot.
c. Banana. (Correct Answer)
d. Potato.

17. Which of the following are colors?
a. Blue. (Correct Answer)
b. Circle.
c. Red. (Correct Answer)
d. Triangle.

18. Which of these animals can fly?
a. Dog.
b. Cat.
c. Bird. (Correct Answer)
d. Fish.

19. Which of these are used for writing?
a. Pen. (Correct Answer)
b. Eraser.
c. Pencil. (Correct Answer)
d. Sharpener.

20. Which of the following are vegetables?
a. Spinach. (Correct Answer)
b. Apple.
c. Carrot. (Correct Answer)
d. Banana.

21. Tim: "Where are you going on vacation?"
Sue: "I'm going to Bali and Lombok."

Where is Sue going on vacation?
a. Bali. (Correct Answer)
b. Jakarta.
c. Lombok. (Correct Answer)
d. Surabaya.

22. Nina: "Do you have any pets?"
Sam: "Yes, I have a cat and a dog."

What pets does Sam have?
a. A rabbit.
b. A cat. (Correct Answer)
c. A dog. (Correct Answer)
d. A bird.

23. Teacher: "Who is absent today?"
Student: "John and Mike are absent."

Who are absent today?
a. John. (Correct Answer)
b. Mike. (Correct Answer)
c. Kevin.
d. James.

24. Lisa: "What time do you wake up?"
Anna: "I wake up at 6 AM and 7 AM on weekends."

When does Anna wake up?
a. 6 AM on weekends.
b. 7 AM on weekdays.
c. 6 AM on weekdays. (Correct Answer)
d. 7 AM on weekends. (Correct Answer)

25. David: "What languages do you speak?"
Maria: "I speak English and Spanish."

What languages does Maria speak?
a. French.
b. German.
c. English. (Correct Answer)
d. Spanish. (Correct Answer)

26. Susan: "What do you like to do in your free time?"
Mark: "I enjoy playing video games."

What does Mark enjoy doing in his free time?
a. Reading books.
b. Playing video games. (Correct Answer)
c. Watching TV.
d. Playing sports.

27. Rachel: "Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?"
Tom: "Yes, I will be there."

Will Tom attend Rachel's birthday party?
a. Yes. (Correct Answer)
b. No.
c. Maybe.
d. He didn't answer.

28. Emma: "Where did you go last weekend?"
Alex: "I went to the beach."

Where did Alex go last weekend?
a. To the mountains.
b. To the beach. (Correct Answer)
c. To the zoo.
d. To the park.

29. Jack: "Do you know how to swim?"
Lucy: "Yes, I learned last summer."

When did Lucy learn to swim?
a. Last winter.
b. Last autumn.
c. Last summer. (Correct Answer)
d. Last spring.

30. Mother: "What do you want for breakfast?"
Child: "I want pancakes, please."

What does the child want for breakfast?
a. Waffles.
b. Pancakes. (Correct Answer)
c. Toast.
d. Cereal.

31. Bob: "Are you coming to the concert tonight?"
Jane: "No, I have to study."

Why is Jane not coming to the concert?
a. She is tired.
b. She is busy with work.
c. She has to study. (Correct Answer)
d. She doesn't like concerts.

32. Michael: "Do you like pizza?"
Sarah: "Yes, it's my favorite food."

What is Sarah's favorite food?
a. Burger.
b. Sushi.
c. Pizza. (Correct Answer)
d. Pasta.

33. Nick: "What time is it?"
Laura: "It's 3 PM."

What time is it?
a. 1 PM.
b. 2 PM.
c. 3 PM. (Correct Answer)
d. 4 PM.

34. Teacher: "Did you finish your project?"
Student: "Yes, I finished it yesterday."

When did the student finish the project?
a. Today.
b. Yesterday. (Correct Answer)
c. Last week.
d. This morning.

35. Jane: "Where is the nearest bookstore?"
Sam: "It's next to the cafe on Main Street."

Where is the nearest bookstore?
a. Next to the library.
b. Next to the cafe on Main Street. (Correct Answer)
c. Across from the park.
d. Beside the school.

True or False Questions:

36. "Tom and Jerry are best friends."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True.
b. False. (Correct Answer)

37. "The Earth is the third planet from the sun."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True. (Correct Answer)
b. False.

38. "Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True. (Correct Answer)
b. False.

39. "A triangle has four sides."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True.
b. False. (Correct Answer)

40. "The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth."

Is this statement true or false?
a. True. (Correct Answer)
b. False.

Complex Questions (More than one correct answer):

41. Which of the following are mammals?
a. Whale. (Correct Answer)
b. Shark.
c. Dolphin. (Correct Answer)
d. Penguin.

42. Which of the following are vegetables?
a. Broccoli. (Correct Answer)
b. Strawberry.
c. Potato. (Correct Answer)
d. Orange.

43. Which of these are planets in our solar system?
a. Mars. (Correct Answer)
b. Pluto. (Correct Answer)
c. Moon.
d. Sun.

44. Which of these animals live in the ocean?
a. Lion.
b. Shark. (Correct Answer)
c. Whale. (Correct Answer)
d. Eagle.

45. Which of these are parts of a plant?
a. Root. (Correct Answer)
b. Feather.
c. Leaf. (Correct Answer)
d. Fin.

46. Tom: "What sports do you play?"
Sam: "I play soccer and tennis."

Which sports does Sam play?
a. Basketball.
b. Soccer. (Correct Answer)
c. Tennis. (Correct Answer)
d. Baseball.

47. Teacher: "Who are your best friends?"
Mary: "Alice and Jenny are my best friends."

Who are Mary's best friends?
a. Alice. (Correct Answer)
b. Jenny. (Correct Answer)
c. Emma.
d. Susan.

48. Mother: "What are you doing this weekend?"
Lisa: "I am visiting my grandparents and going to a movie."

What is Lisa doing this weekend?
a. Visiting her grandparents. (Correct Answer)
b. Going to a concert.
c. Going to a movie. (Correct Answer)
d. Staying at home.

49. Jane: "What languages do you study?"
Emma: "I study English and French."

What languages does Emma study?
a. English. (Correct Answer)
b. Spanish.
c. French. (Correct Answer)
d. German.

50. John: "What time do you go to bed?"
Sarah: "I go to bed at 9 PM on weekdays and 10 PM on weekends."

When does Sarah go to bed on weekends?
a. 8 PM.
b. 9 PM.
c. 10 PM. (Correct Answer)
d. 11 PM.

51. Tim: "What are your plans for the holidays?"
Sue: "I am traveling to Japan and visiting my relatives."

What are Sue's plans for the holidays?
a. Traveling to Japan. (Correct Answer)
b. Visiting her friends.
c. Going to the beach.
d. Visiting her relatives. (Correct Answer)

52. Alex: "How do you get to school?"
Maria: "I walk to school."

How does Maria get to school?
a. By bus.
b. By car.
c. By bicycle.
d. By walking. (Correct Answer)

53. Teacher: "Where is your homework?"
Student: "I left it at home."

Where is the student's homework?
a. At school.
b. At home. (Correct Answer)
c. In the library.
d. In the classroom.

54. John: "Do you have a pet?"
Lisa: "Yes, I have a dog."

What pet does Lisa have?
a. A cat.
b. A bird.
c. A rabbit.
d. A dog. (Correct Answer)

55. Mother: "What did you eat for lunch?"
Child: "I ate a sandwich and an apple."

What did the child eat for lunch?
a. A burger.
b. A sandwich. (Correct Answer)
c. A pizza.
d. An apple. (Correct Answer)

Alice loves spending time in the garden. Every morning, she waters the plants and enjoys the fresh air. Her favorite flowers are roses because of their beautiful colors and pleasant fragrance. She also takes care of a small vegetable patch where she grows tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. Gardening makes Alice feel happy and relaxed.


56. What is Alice's favorite flower?
A. Tulips
B. Roses
C. Sunflowers
D. Daisies

Answer: B. Roses

57. Which vegetables does Alice grow in her garden?
A. Potatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce
B. Carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers
C. Lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes
D. Tomatoes, potatoes, and cucumbers

Answer: B. Carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers

58. Why does Alice like gardening?
A. It is a good exercise.
B. She enjoys eating the vegetables.
C. It makes her feel happy and relaxed.
D. She likes the sunlight.

Answer: C. It makes her feel happy and relaxed.

59. What time does Alice water the plants?
A. In the afternoon
B. In the evening
C. In the morning
D. At night

Answer: C. In the morning

60. Which of the following is not a vegetable that Alice grows?
A. Carrots
B. Tomatoes
C. Cucumbers
D. Lettuce

Answer: D. Lettuce

61. What does Alice enjoy about roses?
A. Their size
B. Their colors and fragrance
C. Their leaves
D. Their thorns

Answer: B. Their colors and fragrance

62. Which activity does Alice do every morning?
A. Cooking breakfast
B. Watering the plants
C. Going for a walk
D. Reading a book

Answer: B. Watering the plants

63. How does Alice feel when she gardens?
A. Tired and stressed
B. Happy and relaxed
C. Bored and hungry
D. Sleepy and lazy

Answer: B. Happy and relaxed

64. What part of the garden does Alice take care of besides the flowers?
A. A herb garden
B. A vegetable patch
C. A fruit orchard
D. A pond

Answer: B. A vegetable patch

True or False (3 questions)

65. Alice waters the plants in the evening.
A. True
B. False

Answer: B. False

66. Alice grows cucumbers in her garden.
A. True
B. False

Answer: A. True

67. Alice feels stressed when she gardens.
A. True
B. False

Answer: B. False

Complex Answers (More than 1 correct answer) (3 questions)

68. Which of the following are reasons Alice enjoys gardening?
A. It makes her feel happy.
B. It is good exercise.
C. She likes the fresh air.
D. She enjoys cooking with fresh vegetables.

Answers: A. It makes her feel happy., C. She likes the fresh air.

69. Which of these flowers could Alice potentially grow in her garden if she likes colorful and fragrant flowers?
A. Lilies
B. Daffodils
C. Roses
D. Orchids

Answers: A. Lilies, C. Roses

70. Which activities could Alice potentially enjoy based on her interest in gardening?
A. Hiking
B. Cooking
C. Painting
D. Reading

Answers: A. Hiking, B. Cooking

John is a student who loves sports. Every afternoon after school, he goes to the park to play basketball with his friends. John is very good at basketball and he dreams of becoming a professional player someday. He practices hard and always tries to improve his skills. Besides basketball, John also enjoys running and swimming during weekends.


71. What sport does John play every afternoon?
A. Soccer
B. Tennis
C. Basketball
D. Volleyball

Answer: C. Basketball

72. What does John dream of becoming?
A. A doctor
B. A teacher
C. A professional basketball player
D. A singer

Answer: C. A professional basketball player

73. What other activities does John enjoy during weekends?
A. Playing soccer and tennis
B. Running and swimming
C. Reading and writing
D. Drawing and painting

Answer: B. Running and swimming

74. When does John go to the park to play basketball?
A. In the morning
B. At noon
C. In the afternoon
D. In the evening

Answer: C. In the afternoon

75. Who does John play basketball with?
A. His family
B. His classmates
C. His friends
D. His neighbors

Answer: C. His friends

76. How does John feel about basketball?
A. He thinks it is boring.
B. He enjoys playing it.
C. He does not like it.
D. He feels indifferent about it.

Answer: B. He enjoys playing it

77. Why does John practice hard?
A. To impress his friends
B. To become a professional player
C. To get good grades
D. To stay healthy

Answer: B. To become a professional player

78. John dreams of becoming a professional soccer player.
A. True
B. False

Answer: B. False

79. John goes to the park in the afternoon to play basketball.
A. True
B. False

Answer: A. True

80. John practices swimming every afternoon.
A. True
B. False

Answer: B. False

Sarah loves to read books. She often spends her weekends at the library, where she can find a variety of books. Her favorite genres are fantasy and mystery because they are full of adventure and suspense. She also likes science fiction, which allows her to imagine different worlds and futuristic technology. Sarah is part of a book club at school, where she discusses her favorite books with her friends. In addition to reading, Sarah enjoys writing short stories based on the books she reads.


81. Which genres of books does Sarah enjoy?
A. Fantasy
B. Mystery
C. Science fiction
D. Historical fiction

Answers: A. Fantasy, B. Mystery, C. Science fiction

82. Where does Sarah spend her weekends?
A. At the mall
B. At the library
C. At home
D. At the park

Answer: B. At the library

83. What does Sarah like about fantasy and mystery books?
A. They are educational.
B. They are full of adventure and suspense.
C. They are funny.
D. They are romantic.

Answer: B. They are full of adventure and suspense.

84. Which activities does Sarah participate in?
A. Writing short stories
B. Playing sports
C. Drawing
D. Book club discussions

Answers: A. Writing short stories, D. Book club discussions

85. Why does Sarah enjoy science fiction books?
A. They are based on real events.
B. They allow her to imagine different worlds and futuristic technology.
C. They are written by her favorite author.
D. They are easy to read.

Answer: B. They allow her to imagine different worlds and futuristic technology.

86. What does Sarah do at the book club?
A. She reads aloud to the group.
B. She discusses her favorite books with her friends.
C. She writes essays about books.
D. She listens to lectures about books.

Answer: B. She discusses her favorite books with her friends.

87. Which of the following is true about Sarah's hobbies?
A. She enjoys reading books.
B. She likes playing video games.
C. She writes short stories.
D. She paints landscapes.

Answers: A. She enjoys reading books, C. She writes short stories.

88. Why might Sarah enjoy being part of a book club?
A. To improve her writing skills.
B. To discuss books with friends.
C. To learn more about different authors.
D. To spend more time at the library.

Answers: B. To discuss books with friends, C. To learn more about different authors.

89. How do fantasy and mystery books affect Sarah?
A. They make her laugh.
B. They keep her engaged with adventure and suspense.
C. They help her relax.
D. They teach her new facts.

Answer: B. They keep her engaged with adventure and suspense.

90. What can be inferred about Sarah's personality based on the text?
A. She is creative.
B. She is athletic.
C. She is imaginative.
D. She is social.

Answers: A. She is creative, C. She is imaginative.

Tom is a young boy who loves animals. He spends a lot of time at the local animal shelter where he helps take care of the animals. He enjoys feeding them, playing with them, and making sure they are comfortable. Tom is particularly fond of dogs and cats, but he also likes birds and rabbits. On weekends, he sometimes helps the shelter staff find new homes for the animals. Tom dreams of becoming a veterinarian when he grows up so he can help even more animals.


91. What animals does Tom particularly like?
A. Dogs
B. Cats
C. Birds
D. Rabbits

Answers: A. Dogs, B. Cats

92. What activities does Tom do at the animal shelter?
A. Feeding the animals
B. Playing with the animals
C. Cleaning the shelter
D. Making sure the animals are comfortable

Answers: A. Feeding the animals, B. Playing with the animals, D. Making sure the animals are comfortable

93. Why does Tom help the shelter staff on weekends?
A. To find new homes for the animals
B. To earn money
C. To learn more about animals
D. To spend more time with his friends

Answer: A. To find new homes for the animals

94. What is Tom's dream job?
A. A zookeeper
B. A veterinarian
C. An animal trainer
D. A pet shop owner

Answer: B. A veterinarian

95. Which animals does Tom help take care of at the shelter?
A. Dogs
B. Cats
C. Birds
D. Fish

Answers: A. Dogs, B. Cats, C. Birds, D. Rabbits

96. What does Tom enjoy about helping at the animal shelter?
A. Feeding the animals
B. Playing with the animals
C. Making sure the animals are comfortable
D. Teaching the animals tricks

Answers: A. Feeding the animals, B. Playing with the animals, C. Making sure the animals are comfortable

97. How does Tom help the animals at the shelter find new homes?
A. By advertising them online
B. By talking to potential adopters
C. By organizing adoption events
D. By taking them to adoption fairs

Answers: B. By talking to potential adopters, C. By organizing adoption events, D. By taking them to adoption fairs

98. Why might Tom's experience at the animal shelter be helpful for his future career?
A. He gains practical experience with animals
B. He learns how to take care of different animals
C. He makes connections with animal care professionals
D. He earns certificates in animal care

Answers: A. He gains practical experience with animals, B. He learns how to take care of different animals, C. He makes connections with animal care professionals

99. What can be inferred about Tom's personality based on the text?
A. He is compassionate
B. He is responsible
C. He is athletic
D. He is creative

Answers: A. He is compassionate, B. He is responsible

100. Which of the following is true about Tom's activities at the shelter?
A. He only works with dogs and cats
B. He helps find homes for the animals
C. He spends time playing with the animals
D. He avoids working with birds and rabbits

Answers: B. He helps find homes for the animals, C. He spends time playing with the animals

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