
100 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

100 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka.

In this section, please choose one of the best answers to the questions!

1. "I usually ___ up at 6 AM every morning."
a. get
b. gets
c. got
d. getting
Answer: a. get

2. What is the past tense of "eat"?
a. eats
b. ate
c. eaten
d. eating
Answer: b. ate

3. Which word is a synonym of "beautiful"?
a. ugly
b. pretty
c. plain
d. simple
Answer: b. pretty

4. "She ___ to the store yesterday."
a. go
b. goes
c. went
d. gone
Answer: c. went

5. The opposite of "always" is:
a. never
b. often
c. sometimes
d. rarely
Answer: a. never

6. "They ___ playing soccer when it started to rain."
a. are
b. were
c. is
d. was
Answer: b. were

7. "He ___ a new bike last week."
a. buy
b. buys
c. buying
d. bought
Answer: d. bought

8. Which one is a noun?
a. run
b. quickly
c. happiness
d. jump
Answer: c. happiness

9. "I ___ dinner when he called."
a. cook
b. cooks
c. was cooking
d. cooked
Answer: c. was cooking

10. The capital of Australia is:
a. Sydney
b. Melbourne
c. Canberra
d. Brisbane
Answer: c. Canberra

11. "She has ___ many books in her collection."
a. so
b. very
c. too
d. much
Answer: a. so

12. Which word is an adjective?
a. beautiful
b. running
c. happily
d. teacher
Answer: a. beautiful

13. "He ___ a letter to his friend every month."
a. writes
b. wrote
c. writing
d. written
Answer: a. writes

14. Which one is a pronoun?
a. book
b. quickly
c. she
d. run
Answer: c. she

15. "The sun ___ in the east."
a. rise
b. rises
c. rising
d. risen
Answer: b. rises

16. Which one is an adverb?
a. beautiful
b. quickly
c. book
d. teacher
Answer: b. quickly

17. "I ___ to the music now."
a. listen
b. listens
c. listening
d. am listening
Answer: d. am listening

18. "She will ___ her homework tomorrow."
a. do
b. does
c. did
d. doing
Answer: a. do

19. "We have lived here ___ five years."
a. since
b. for
c. at
d. in
Answer: b. for

20. "He ___ already finished his project."
a. have
b. has
c. having
d. to have
Answer: b. has

21. The opposite of "cheap" is:
a. expensive
b. affordable
c. low
d. reasonable
Answer: a. expensive

22. "They ___ to the zoo last weekend."
a. go
b. going
c. went
d. gone
Answer: c. went

23. Which one is a verb?
a. happiness
b. beautiful
c. quickly
d. run
Answer: d. run

24. "We ___ a movie right now."
a. watch
b. watches
c. watched
d. are watching
Answer: d. are watching

25. The plural form of "man" is:
a. mans
b. men
c. man
d. mens
Answer: b. men

26. "She is ___ than her brother."
a. tall
b. taller
c. tallest
d. the tall
Answer: b. taller

27. Which one is a conjunction?
a. and
b. beautiful
c. happiness
d. quickly
Answer: a. and

28. "He ___ a book every night."
a. read
b. reads
c. reading
d. readed
Answer: b. reads

29. The opposite of "dark" is:
a. night
b. dim
c. light
d. shadow
Answer: c. light

30. "They ___ already gone home."
a. has
b. have
c. having
d. to have
Answer: b. have

31. "We ___ in this city since 2010."
a. live
b. lives
c. lived
d. have lived
Answer: d. have lived

32. Which one is an interjection?
a. run
b. wow
c. beautiful
d. happiness
Answer: b. wow

33. "I ___ seen that movie before."
a. have
b. has
c. having
d. to have
Answer: a. have

34. "She is the ___ student in her class."
a. smart
b. smarter
c. smartest
d. more smart
Answer: c. smartest

35. "We ___ playing soccer when it started to rain."
a. are
b. were
c. is
d. was
Answer: b. were

36. Which one is a preposition?
a. on
b. run
c. beautiful
d. happiness
Answer: a. on

37. "He ___ to the gym every day."
a. go
b. goes
c. going
d. went
Answer: b. goes

38. The opposite of "easy" is:
a. simple
b. hard
c. soft
d. light
Answer: b. hard

39. "They ___ their homework now."
a. do
b. does
c. doing
d. did
Answer: a. do

40. "She ___ her friend at the mall last week."
a. meet
b. meets
c. met
d. meeting
Answer: c. met

41. "I will ___ you tomorrow."
a. call
b. calls
c. calling
d. called
Answer: a. call

42. Which one is a pronoun?
a. quickly
b. beautiful
c. happiness
d. he
Answer: d. he

43. The opposite of "full" is:
a. empty
b. hollow
c. light
d. heavy
Answer: a. empty

44. "She ___ a beautiful dress yesterday."
a. buy
b. buys
c. bought
d. buying
Answer: c. bought

45. "They ___ going to the park every weekend."
a. enjoy
b. enjoys
c. enjoyed
d. enjoying
Answer: a. enjoy

46. The plural form of "tooth" is:
a. tooths
b. teeth
c. tooth
d. teeths
Answer: b. teeth

47. "He ___ already finished his homework."
a. have
b. has
c. having
d. to have
Answer: b. has

48. "We ___ to the beach last summer."
a. go
b. going
c. went
d. gone
Answer: c. went

49. Which one is an adjective?
a. beautiful
b. quickly
c. happiness
d. run
Answer: a. beautiful

50. "I ___ a new book last week."
a. buy
b. buys
c. buying
d. bought
Answer: d. bought

51. Jane: "Do you want to go to the park tomorrow?"  
Tom: "Sure, what time?"  
Jane: "How about 10 AM?"  
Tom: "___"
a. I'm busy.
b. That sounds good.
c. I don't think so.
d. Maybe later.
Answer: b. That sounds good.

52. Mary: "Can you help me with my homework?"  
John: "___"  
Mary: "Thanks, I really appreciate it."
a. Sorry, I'm busy.
b. Of course.
c. I don't know.
d. Maybe next time.
Answer: b. Of course.

53. Teacher: "Why were you absent yesterday?"  
Student: "___"
a. I forgot.
b. I was sick.
c. I don't care.
d. I didn't want to come.
Answer: b. I was sick.

54. Mother: "Did you finish your chores?"  
Child: "___"  
Mother: "Good job!"
a. Not yet.
b. No, I didn't.
c. Yes, I did.
d. I will do it later.
Answer: c. Yes, I did.

55. Alice: "What's your favorite subject?"  
Bob: "___"  
Alice: "Me too! I love science."
a. I don't like school.
b. I like playing.
c. It's math.
d. I hate homework.
Answer: c. It's math.

56. Anna: "Can I borrow your pen?"  
Lisa: "___"  
Anna: "Thank you!"
a. No, you can't.
b. Yes, here you go.
c. I don't have one.
d. Maybe later.
Answer: b. Yes, here you go.

57. Mike: "What are you doing this weekend?"  
Sally: "___"  
Mike: "That sounds fun!"
a. Nothing much.
b. I have no plans.
c. I'm going to the beach.
d. I don't know.
Answer: c. I'm going to the beach.

58. Tom: "Do you like playing sports?"  
Jim: "___"  
Tom: "Me too, especially soccer."
a. Not really.
b. Yes, I do.
c. I hate sports.
d. Sometimes.
Answer: b. Yes, I do.

59. Teacher: "Who can answer this question?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "Very good!"
a. I don't know.
b. Can you help me?
c. I can.
d. Maybe later.
Answer: c. I can.

60. Friend 1: "Let's watch a movie tonight."  
Friend 2: "___"  
Friend 1: "Great, see you at 8 PM."
a. I can't.
b. Sure, sounds good.
c. I don't like movies.
d. Maybe next time.
Answer: b. Sure, sounds good.

61. Mom: "Have you fed the cat?"  
Child: "___"  
Mom: "Please do it now."
a. Not yet.
b. Yes, I have.
c. I forgot.
d. No, I won't.
Answer: a. Not yet.

62. Teacher: "When is your project due?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "Don't forget to submit it on time."
a. I don't know.
b. Tomorrow.
c. Last week.
d. Maybe next month.
Answer: b. Tomorrow.

63. Dad: "Did you enjoy the movie?"  
Daughter: "___"  
Dad: "I'm glad to hear that."
a. It was boring.
b. Not really.
c. Yes, it was great.
d. I didn't watch it.
Answer: c. Yes, it was great.

64. Friend 1: "Do you want to play video games?"  
Friend 2: "___"  
Friend 1: "Okay, maybe next time."
a. Yes, I do.
b. I love to.
c. I can't right now.
d. Let's do it.
Answer: c. I can't right now.

65. Librarian: "Do you have your library card?"  
Student: "___"  
Librarian: "You need it to borrow books."
a. I forgot it.
b. Yes, I do.
c. I lost it.
d. I don't have one.
Answer: b. Yes, I do.

66. Sarah: "How was your trip?"  
Jake: "___"  
Sarah: "That sounds amazing!"
a. It was terrible.
b. I didn't like it.
c. It was fantastic.
d. I stayed home.
Answer: c. It was fantastic.

67. Waiter: "Are you ready to order?"  
Customer: "___"  
Waiter: "I'll come back in a few minutes."
a. Yes, I am.
b. No, I'm not.
c. Give me a minute.
d. I don't know.
Answer: c. Give me a minute.

68. Friend: "Can you come to my party?"  
You: "___"  
Friend: "That's great!"
a. I'm not sure.
b. I'll think about it.
c. I'll be there.
d. Maybe next time.
Answer: c. I'll be there.

69. Boss: "Have you finished the report?"  
Employee: "___"  
Boss: "Please submit it by noon."
a. Not yet.
b. Yes, I have.
c. I forgot.
d. No, I won't.
Answer: a. Not yet.

70. Teacher: "What is the capital of France?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "That's correct."
a. London
b. Berlin
c. Madrid
d. Paris
Answer: d. Paris

71. Mom: "Where are you going?"  
Child: "___"  
Mom: "Okay, be careful."
a. To the park.
b. Nowhere.
c. I don't know.
d. I'm staying home.
Answer: a. To the park.

72. Friend: "What time is the meeting?"  
You: "___"  
Friend: "Thanks, I'll be there on time."
a. Yesterday.
b. At 3 PM.
c. Last week.
d. In the morning.
Answer: b. At 3 PM.

73. Teacher: "Why didn't you do your homework?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "You need to manage your time better."
a. I forgot.
b. I didn't want to.
c. I was too tired.
d. I'll do it now.
Answer: c. I was too tired.

74. Friend: "Do you like this music?"  
You: "___"  
Friend: "Me too! It's my favorite band."
a. Not really.
b. I hate it.
c. It's okay.
d. Yes, I love it.
Answer: d. Yes, I love it.

75. Mom: "Can you help me with the dishes?"  
Child: "___"  
Mom: "Thank you, I appreciate it."
a. I'm busy.
b. Not now.
c. Sure, Mom.
d. I don't want to.
Answer: c. Sure, Mom.

76. Emma: "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"  
Liam: "___"  
Emma: "Sounds like a lot of fun!"
a. I'm going to a concert.
b. I'm not sure yet.
c. I have no plans.
d. Maybe next time.
Answer: a. I'm going to a concert.

77. Waitress: "Would you like something to drink?"  
Customer: "___"  
Waitress: "Coming right up."
a. Yes, please. A glass of water.
b. No, thank you.
c. I don't know.
d. Maybe later.
Answer: a. Yes, please. A glass of water.

78. Paul: "Can you meet me at 5 PM?"  
Sophie: "___"  
Paul: "Great, see you then!"
a. I'm not available.
b. Sure, I can.
c. I don't think so.
d. I forgot.
Answer: b. Sure, I can.

79. Mother: "Did you finish your project?"  
Child: "___"  
Mother: "Good job, I'm proud of you!"
a. Not yet.
b. Yes, I did.
c. I'll do it later.
d. I forgot.
Answer: b. Yes, I did.

80. Teacher: "Who wants to present first?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "Thank you for volunteering."
a. I do.
b. Not me.
c. Maybe later.
d. I don't know.
Answer: a. I do.

81. Friend 1: "Where did you go on vacation?"  
Friend 2: "___"  
Friend 1: "Wow, I've always wanted to go there!"
a. To the mountains.
b. Nowhere special.
c. I stayed home.
d. I don't remember.
Answer: a. To the mountains.

82. Sara: "What did you do yesterday?"  
Mark: "___"  
Sara: "That sounds interesting."
a. Nothing much.
b. I went shopping.
c. I was at home.
d. I don't remember.
Answer: b. I went shopping.

83. Waiter: "Are you ready to order?"  
Customer: "___"  
Waiter: "What would you like to have?"
a. I don't know.
b. Yes, we are.
c. Maybe later.
d. Not yet.
Answer: b. Yes, we are.

84. Dad: "Did you enjoy the book?"  
Daughter: "___"  
Dad: "I'm glad to hear that."
a. Not really.
b. It was okay.
c. I loved it.
d. I didn't read it.
Answer: c. I loved it.

85. Teacher: "Why are you late?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "Try to be on time next time."
a. I woke up late.
b. I don't care.
c. I didn't want to come.
d. I forgot.
Answer: a. I woke up late.

86. Friend 1: "What time does the movie start?"  
Friend 2: "___"  
Friend 1: "Let's not be late."
a. I don't know.
b. At 7 PM.
c. Last night.
d. Maybe tomorrow.
Answer: b. At 7 PM.

87. Mom: "Have you done your homework?"  
Child: "___"  
Mom: "Please do it before you go out."
a. Not yet.
b. Yes, I have.
c. I'll do it later.
d. I don't want to.
Answer: a. Not yet.

88. Jane: "Can I ask you a question?"  
Tom: "___"  
Jane: "Thanks for your help!"
a. I don't know.
b. Sure, go ahead.
c. Not now.
d. Maybe later.
Answer: b. Sure, go ahead.

89. Teacher: "What's the answer to number 3?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "Correct!"
a. I don't know.
b. It's 15.
c. I'll check later.
d. I forgot.
Answer: b. It's 15.

90. Lisa: "Are you coming to the party?"  
John: "___"  
Lisa: "Great, see you there!"
a. I don't think so.
b. I can't make it.
c. Yes, I am.
d. Maybe next time.
Answer: c. Yes, I am.

91. Waitress: "How is your meal?"  
Customer: "___"  
Waitress: "I'm glad you like it."
a. It's terrible.
b. It's okay.
c. It's delicious.
d. I don't like it.
Answer: c. It's delicious.

92. Friend 1: "Do you like reading books?"  
Friend 2: "___"  
Friend 1: "Me too! I love mystery novels."
a. Not really.
b. Sometimes.
c. Yes, I do.
d. I hate reading.
Answer: c. Yes, I do.

93. Teacher: "Who wants to help me carry these books?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "Thank you for your help."
a. Not me.
b. I will.
c. Maybe later.
d. I don't know.
Answer: b. I will.

94. Mom: "Can you take out the trash?"  
Child: "___"  
Mom: "Thank you."
a. I don't want to.
b. Not now.
c. Sure, Mom.
d. I can't.
Answer: c. Sure, Mom.

95. Alice: "What time is it?"  
Bob: "___"  
Alice: "Thanks, I have to go now."
a. I don't know.
b. It's 3 PM.
c. Maybe later.
d. It's too late.
Answer: b. It's 3 PM.

96. Friend: "Do you want to join us for lunch?"  
You: "___"  
Friend: "Okay, maybe next time."
a. Yes, I do.
b. I'm not hungry.
c. I can't today.
d. I don't like lunch.
Answer: c. I can't today.

97. Teacher: "When is the test?"  
Student: "___"  
Teacher: "Make sure you study well."
a. I don't know.
b. It's next week.
c. We had it already.
d. Maybe tomorrow.
Answer: b. It's next week.

98. Waiter: "How many people are in your party?"  
Customer: "___"  
Waiter: "Please follow me to your table."
a. Just me.
b. A lot.
c. Four of us.
d. I don't know.
Answer: c. Four of us.

99. Dad: "Did you lock the door?"  
Son: "___"  
Dad: "Please go and check."
a. I don't remember.
b. Yes, I did.
c. Not yet.
d. I'll do it later.
Answer: a. I don't remember.

100. Friend 1: "Why are you so happy today?"  
Friend 2: "___"  
Friend 1: "That's wonderful news!"
a. I'm not sure.
b. I got a good grade.
c. I don't know.
d. I am tired.
Answer: b. I got a good grade.

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