
50 Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

50 Contoh Soal Procedure Text Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya.

How to Make a Cup of Tea

Procedure Text:

- 1 tea bag
- Hot water
- Sugar or honey (optional)
- Milk (optional)

1. Boil some water in a kettle.
2. Place a tea bag in a cup.
3. Pour the boiling water into the cup over the tea bag.
4. Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes.
5. Remove the tea bag.
6. Add sugar, honey, or milk if desired.
7. Stir well and enjoy your tea.

1. What should you do after pouring boiling water over the tea bag?
a. Add sugar or honey
b. Boil the water again
c. Remove the tea bag
d. Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes

d. Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes

2. What is the first step in making a cup of tea?
a. Place a tea bag in a cup
b. Boil some water
c. Pour the boiling water into the cup
d. Let the tea steep

b. Boil some water

3. How long should you let the tea steep?
a. 1-2 minutes
b. 2-4 minutes
c. 3-5 minutes
d. 5-7 minutes

c. 3-5 minutes

4. What should you do after removing the tea bag?
a. Boil more water
b. Add sugar, honey, or milk if desired
c. Let the tea cool
d. Stir well

b. Add sugar, honey, or milk if desired

5. Which of the following is optional when making a cup of tea?
a. Placing a tea bag in the cup
b. Pouring boiling water into the cup
c. Adding sugar or honey
d. Letting the tea steep

c. Adding sugar or honey

How to Plant a Tree

Procedure Text:

- A young tree
- Shovel
- Water
- Mulch

1. Choose a suitable location for planting the tree.
2. Dig a hole that is twice as wide as the root ball and just as deep.
3. Place the young tree in the hole.
4. Fill the hole with soil, pressing down gently to eliminate air pockets.
5. Water the tree thoroughly.
6. Add a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture.

1. What is the purpose of adding mulch around the base of the tree?
a. To fertilize the tree
b. To make the tree grow faster
c. To retain moisture
d. To keep the soil warm

c. To retain moisture

2. How wide should you dig the hole for the tree?
a. The same width as the root ball
b. Twice as wide as the root ball
c. Twice as deep as the root ball
d. Half as wide as the root ball

b. Twice as wide as the root ball

3. When should you water the tree?
a. Before placing it in the hole
b. After placing it in the hole
c. After filling the hole with soil
d. Both b and c

d. Both b and c

4. Why do you need to press down the soil gently?
a. To make the tree grow faster
b. To eliminate air pockets
c. To prevent weeds from growing
d. To make the tree stable

b. To eliminate air pockets

5. What is the purpose of choosing a suitable location for planting the tree?
a. To ensure it gets enough sunlight
b. To make the yard look better
c. To protect the tree from wind
d. To prevent soil erosion

a. To ensure it gets enough sunlight

How to Bake a Chocolate Cake

Procedure Text:

- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
2. Grease and flour a 9-inch round baking pan.
3. In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
4. Add the milk, vegetable oil, eggs, and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients.
5. Beat until the batter is smooth.
6. Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
7. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
8. Let the cake cool before serving.

1. What should you do before pouring the batter into the pan?
a. Preheat the oven
b. Mix the dry ingredients
c. Grease and flour the pan
d. Beat the batter

c. Grease and flour the pan

2. What is the first thing you should do before starting to bake a chocolate cake?
a. Mix the dry ingredients
b. Preheat the oven
c. Grease the baking pan
d. Beat the batter

b. Preheat the oven

3. Which of the following is NOT an ingredient for the chocolate cake?
a. Flour
b. Sugar
c. Butter
d. Cocoa powder

c. Butter

4. How long should you bake the cake?
a. 20-25 minutes
b. 25-30 minutes
c. 30-35 minutes
d. 35-40 minutes

c. 30-35 minutes

5. How can you tell if the cake is done?
a. It smells good
b. It looks brown
c. A toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean
d. It feels firm to the touch

c. A toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean

How to Write an Email

Procedure Text:

1. Open your email application or go to the email service website.
2. Click on "Compose" or "New Email".
3. In the "To" field, type the recipient's email address.
4. Enter a subject for your email in the "Subject" field.
5. Write your message in the body of the email.
6. Attach any files if necessary by clicking on the "Attach" button.
7. Click "Send" to send your email.

1. Where do you type the recipient's email address?
a. In the subject field
b. In the body of the email
c. In the "To" field
d. In the "Attach" button

c. In the "To" field

2. What is the first step in writing an email?
a. Write the subject
b. Write the message
c. Open your email application
d. Attach files

c. Open your email application

3. Where do you write the subject of the email?
a. In the "To" field
b. In the body of the email
c. In the "Subject" field
d. In the "Cc" field

c. In the "Subject" field

4. What should you do after writing your message in the body of the email?
a. Click "Send"
b. Write the recipient's email address
c. Attach any necessary files
d. Close the email application

c. Attach any necessary files

5. What do you click to send the email?
a. Compose
b. New Email
c. Attach
d. Send

d. Send

How to Change a Flat Tire

Procedure Text:

- Spare tire
- Jack
- Lug wrench

1. Park the car on a flat surface and turn on the hazard lights.
2. Place the jack under the car's frame near the flat tire.
3. Use the lug wrench to loosen the lug nuts on the flat tire.
4. Raise the car with the jack until the flat tire is off the ground.
5. Remove the lug nuts and take off the flat tire.
6. Place the spare tire on the car.
7. Tighten the lug nuts by hand, then lower the car.
8. Use the lug wrench to fully tighten the lug nuts.

1. What should you do first when changing a flat tire?
a. Loosen the lug nuts
b. Place the jack under the car
c. Park the car on a flat surface and turn on the hazard lights
d. Raise the car with the jack

c. Park the car on a flat surface and turn on the hazard lights

2. What is the first thing you should do when you have a flat tire?
a. Place the jack under the car
b. Remove the lug nuts
c. Turn on the hazard lights
d. Raise the car with the jack

c. Turn on the hazard lights

3. How do you loosen the lug nuts?
a. By hand
b. With the jack
c. With the lug wrench
d. With a screwdriver

c. With the lug wrench

4. When should you raise the car with the jack?
a. Before loosening the lug nuts
b. After loosening the lug nuts
c. After removing the flat tire
d. After placing the spare tire

b. After loosening the lug nuts

5. What should you do after placing the spare tire on the car?
a. Tighten the lug nuts by hand
b. Lower the car with the jack
c. Fully tighten the lug nuts with the lug wrench
d. Both a and c

d. Both a and c

How to Make Pancakes

Procedure Text:

- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tablespoons melted butter
- 1 egg

1. In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
2. In another bowl, beat the egg and then mix in the milk and melted butter.
3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined.
4. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium-high heat.
5. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using about 1/4 cup for each pancake.
6. Cook until bubbles form on the surface and the edges look dry, then flip and cook the other side until browned.
7. Serve hot with your favorite toppings.

1. What is the first step in making pancakes?
a. Beat the egg
b. Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt
c. Heat the griddle
d. Pour the batter

b. Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt

2. What should you do after mixing the wet and dry ingredients?
a. Beat the egg
b. Pour the batter onto the griddle
c. Heat the griddle
d. Stir until just combined

d. Stir until just combined

3. How much batter should you use for each pancake?
a. 1/2 cup
b. 1/3 cup
c. 1/4 cup
d. 1/8 cup

c. 1/4 cup

4. When should you flip the pancakes?
a. When the edges look dry
b. After 5 minutes
c. When the surface is completely dry
d. When the bubbles stop forming

a. When the edges look dry

5. What should you do before serving the pancakes?
a. Cook them until they are brown
b. Mix the batter again
c. Let them cool
d. Add your favorite toppings

d. Add your favorite toppings

How to Clean a Computer Screen

Procedure Text:

- Microfiber cloth
- Distilled water
- Isopropyl alcohol (optional)

1. Turn off the computer and unplug it from the power source.
2. Mix distilled water and isopropyl alcohol in a 1:1 ratio (if using alcohol).
3. Dampen a microfiber cloth with the mixture or plain distilled water.
4. Gently wipe the screen with the damp cloth, starting from the center and moving outward.
5. Use a dry part of the cloth to wipe the screen again and remove any streaks.
6. Allow the screen to air dry before turning the computer back on.

1. What is the first step in cleaning a computer screen?
a. Wipe the screen with a damp cloth
b. Turn off the computer and unplug it
c. Mix distilled water and isopropyl alcohol
d. Allow the screen to air dry

b. Turn off the computer and unplug it

2. What should you use to dampen the cloth?
a. Tap water
b. Plain distilled water or a water-alcohol mixture
c. Soapy water
d. Vinegar

b. Plain distilled water or a water-alcohol mixture

3. How should you wipe the screen?
a. In circular motions
b. From side to side
c. From top to bottom
d. From the center outward

d. From the center outward

4. What should you do after wiping the screen with the damp cloth?
a. Use a different cloth to dry it
b. Use a dry part of the cloth to remove streaks
c. Turn the computer back on immediately
d. Rinse the screen with water

b. Use a dry part of the cloth to remove streaks

5. When is it safe to turn the computer back on?
a. Immediately after wiping the screen
b. After the screen air dries
c. After 1 hour
d. After 30 minutes

b. After the screen air dries

How to Tie a Tie

Procedure Text:

1. Start with the backside of the tie facing away from you, the wide end on the right and the narrow end on the left.
2. Move the wide end over the narrow end to the left.
3. Bring the wide end under the narrow end to the right.
4. Bring the wide end up and pull it down through the loop around your neck.
5. Move the wide end to the left across the front.
6. Pull the wide end up through the loop again.
7. Bring the wide end down through the knot in the front.
8. Tighten the knot by pulling down on the wide end and adjust it to your collar.

1. What should be the initial position of the wide end of the tie?
a. On the left side
b. On the right side
c. In the center
d. Under the narrow end

b. On the right side

2. In which direction should you first move the wide end?
a. To the right
b. To the left
c. Up
d. Down

b. To the left

3. How many times should you bring the wide end through the loop around your neck?
a. Once
b. Twice
c. Three times
d. Four times

b. Twice

4. After bringing the wide end through the loop for the second time, what is the next step?
a. Pull it tight
b. Move it to the left
c. Bring it down through the knot in the front
d. Adjust it to your collar

c. Bring it down through the knot in the front

5. How do you finalize the knot?
a. By pulling down on the narrow end
b. By pulling down on the wide end and adjusting it to your collar
c. By tucking the narrow end into the loop
d. By tying the narrow end to the wide end

b. By pulling down on the wide end and adjusting it to your collar

How to Boil an Egg

Procedure Text:

- Eggs
- Water
- Salt (optional)

1. Place the eggs in a single layer in a saucepan.
2. Add enough cold water to cover the eggs by about an inch.
3. Place the saucepan on the stove and turn the heat to high.
4. Once the water begins to boil, reduce the heat to medium and let it simmer.
5. For soft-boiled eggs, cook for 4-6 minutes. For hard-boiled eggs, cook for 9-12 minutes.
6. Remove the eggs from the hot water and place them in a bowl of ice water.
7. Let the eggs cool for a few minutes before peeling.

1. How should the eggs be placed in the saucepan?
a. In a single layer
b. Stacked on top of each other
c. Mixed with salt
d. In a steamer basket

a. In a single layer

2. How much water should you add to the saucepan?
a. Enough to just cover the eggs
b. Enough to cover the eggs by about an inch
c. Enough to cover the eggs by two inches
d. Just a small amount

b. Enough to cover the eggs by about an inch

3. What should you do once the water begins to boil?
a. Turn off the heat
b. Reduce the heat to medium
c. Remove the eggs from the water
d. Add salt to the water

b. Reduce the heat to medium

4. How long should you cook the eggs for hard-boiled results?
a. 4-6 minutes
b. 6-8 minutes
c. 9-12 minutes
d. 12-15 minutes

c. 9-12 minutes

5. What is the purpose of placing the eggs in a bowl of ice water?
a. To season them
b. To cool them quickly and stop the cooking process
c. To make them easier to peel
d. Both b and c

d. Both b and c

How to Make a Paper Airplane

Procedure Text:

- A sheet of paper

1. Fold the paper in half lengthwise to create a crease, then unfold it.
2. Fold the top two corners down to the center crease to form a triangle.
3. Fold the top edges to the center crease again.
4. Fold the plane in half along the original center crease.
5. Fold the wings down so the top edges align with the bottom edge of the plane's body.
6. Adjust the wings so they are perpendicular to the body and your plane is ready to fly.

1. What is the first step in making a paper airplane?
a. Fold the top two corners down
b. Fold the paper in half lengthwise
c. Fold the wings down
d. Fold the top edges to the center crease

b. Fold the paper in half lengthwise

2. What shape is formed when you fold the top two corners down to the center crease?
a. Square
b. Circle
c. Triangle
d. Rectangle

c. Triangle

3. How many times should you fold the top edges to the center crease?
a. Once
b. Twice
c. Three times
d. Four times

b. Twice

4. What should you do after folding the plane in half along the original center crease?
a. Fold the wings down
b. Fold the top edges to the center crease
c. Fold the paper in half again
d. Adjust the wings

a. Fold the wings down

5. How should the wings be positioned in relation to the plane's body?
a. At a 45-degree angle
b. Parallel to the body
c. Perpendicular to the body
d. Folded together

c. Perpendicular to the body

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