
Conjunction ~ Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Contoh Conjunction

Conjunction ~ Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Contoh Conjunction

Conjunctions digunakan untuk menggabungkan kata, frasa, dan kalimat.

Common Conjunctions
unless ~ if 
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kondisi.

~ I will go swimming if it does not rain.
~ My mother won’t let me go out unless I finish my homework.
for ~ as ~ so ~ because ~ since ~ due to
Digunakan untuk memberikan alasan.

~ He was rewarded for his honesty.
~ As you were asleep, I handed the exercise book to your brother.
~ She had a headache so he took a painkiller. 
~ The referee penalized him because he tripped the player. 
~ I will not visit you since you are not free today. 
~ The plant is not growing well due to the lack of nutrients.
so that ~ in order to
Digunakan untuk menyatakan tujuan.

~ I opened the windows so that the room is well ventilated.
~ She put the meat in the refrigerator in order to keep it fresh.
but ~ although ~ yet ~ in spite of
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kontras, tindakan atau hasil yang tidak terduga.

~ Carson is diligent but his sister is lazy.
~ He fell from the second floor but he was not seriously injured.
~ The coach did not stop the practice although it was drizzling.
~ She was not feeling well, yet the studied late into the night. 
~ The rich man did not donate even one cent in spite of his wealth.
neither ... nor ~ both...and ~ and ~ not only ... but also 
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kontras, tindakan atau hasil yang tidak terduga.

~ The sad man neither ate nor drank anything for the whole day. 
~ Both Jerry and Jimmy are good at mathematics.
~ My uncle is thin and sickly. 
~ Felecia is not only pretty but also intelligent.
either ... or ~ or ~ or else
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan pilihan atau hasil.

~ We can spend our holidays in either China or India.
~ You can buy a rabbit or a cat for her as a pet.
~ Leave now or else you will be late.
while ~ as ~ when
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan dua tindakan yang terjadi pada saat yang sama atau tindakan yang terjadi pada saat tindakan lain sedang terjadi.

~ I was bathing the dog while my sister was studying.
~ Mrs. Keaton was cooking when the explosion happened. 
~ As I was resting in my bedroom, a thief broke into the house.

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