
Conditional Sentence ~ Pengertian, Tipe, dan Contoh Kalimat

Conditional Sentence ~ Pengertian, Tipe, dan Contoh Kalimat

Apa itu Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences adalah jenis kalimat yang mengungkapkan suatu kondisi atau hipotesis serta hasil yang akan terjadi jika kondisi tersebut terpenuhi. Kalimat ini biasanya terdiri dari dua klausa: klausa dependen yang mengungkapkan kondisi dan klausa independen yang mengungkapkan hasil atau akibat dari kondisi tersebut.

Ada empat jenis utama dari conditional sentences:

Zero Conditional: Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kebenaran umum dan fakta ilmiah yang selalu benar. Kalimat ini dibentuk dengan menggunakan present simple tense di kedua klausa. Contohnya: "If you heat water, it boils." (Jika kamu memanaskan air, air akan mendidih.)

First Conditional: Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan situasi atau kejadian yang mungkin terjadi di masa depan, berdasarkan kondisi saat ini. Kalimat ini dibentuk dengan menggunakan present simple tense pada klausa if dan future simple (will + bentuk dasar kata kerja) pada klausa hasil. Contohnya: "If it rains, we will stay indoors." (Jika hujan, kita akan tinggal di dalam ruangan.)

Second Conditional: Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan situasi hipotetis atau tidak mungkin terjadi di masa sekarang atau depan. Kalimat ini dibentuk dengan menggunakan past simple tense pada klausa if dan present conditional (would + bentuk dasar kata kerja) pada klausa hasil. Contohnya: "If I had more time, I would go to the gym." (Jika saya punya lebih banyak waktu, saya akan pergi ke gym.)

Third Conditional: Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan situasi hipotetis di masa lalu, di mana hasilnya bisa berbeda jika kondisinya berbeda. Kalimat ini dibentuk dengan menggunakan past perfect tense pada klausa if dan past conditional (would have + past participle) pada klausa hasil. Contohnya: "If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam." (Jika saya belajar lebih keras, saya akan lulus ujian.)

Berikut adalah 15 contoh kalimat conditional sentences type 0:

  1. If it rains, the streets get wet.
  2. If the sun shines, the temperature rises.
  3. If I drink coffee in the evening, I can't sleep at night.
  4. If you work hard, you will succeed.
  5. If we don't hurry, we will miss the train.
  6. If she studies hard, she will pass the exam.
  7. If they don't pay the bill, the electricity will be cut off.
  8. If he eats too much junk food, he will gain weight.
  9. If I don't set my alarm clock, I oversleep in the morning.
  10. If the traffic is heavy, we arrive late.
  11. If the battery is low, the phone shuts down.
  12. If you don't water the plants, they die.
  13. If I don't wear a coat, I feel cold.
  14. If you don't brush your teeth regularly, they will decay.
  15. If we don't take care of the environment, it will be polluted.

Berikut adalah 15 contoh kalimat conditional sentences type 1:

  1. If I study hard, I will pass the exam.
  2. If it rains, we will cancel the picnic.
  3. If you don't hurry, you will miss the train.
  4. If I have time, I will call you later.
  5. If she gets a promotion, she will move to a bigger apartment.
  6. If you eat too much, you will get sick.
  7. If they arrive early, we can start the meeting on time.
  8. If he studies harder, he will get better grades.
  9. If I have enough money, I will buy a new car.
  10. If you don't water the plants, they will die.
  11. If it snows tomorrow, the school will be closed.
  12. If you exercise regularly, you will be healthier.
  13. If we work together, we can finish the project on time.
  14. If the traffic is bad, we will be late for the movie.
  15. If you don't wear a jacket, you will catch a cold.

Berikut adalah 15 contoh kalimat conditional sentences type 2:

  1. If I had more money, I would travel the world.
  2. If I were taller, I would have been a basketball player.
  3. If it rained tomorrow, I would stay at home.
  4. If I studied harder, I would have better grades.
  5. If I had more time, I would learn a new language.
  6. If she had a car, she could drive to work.
  7. If they came to the party, we would have a great time.
  8. If I lived closer to my workplace, I would save time.
  9. If I had known earlier, I would have joined the club.
  10. If you ate more vegetables, you would be healthier.
  11. If he spoke Spanish, he could communicate with his colleagues.
  12. If I had a bike, I could ride it to the park.
  13. If they had enough funds, they would invest in stocks.
  14. If she had arrived earlier, she would have caught the train.
  15. If it wasn't so cold, I would go for a walk.

Berikut adalah 15 contoh kalimat conditional sentences type 3:

  1. If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
  2. If I had known you were coming, I would have prepared something to eat.
  3. If they had left earlier, they wouldn't have missed the train.
  4. If he had taken the job offer, he would have been promoted by now.
  5. If we had bought that house, we would have had a bigger backyard.
  6. If she had applied for the scholarship, she would have been able to attend the university.
  7. If they had invested in that company, they would have made a lot of money.
  8. If I had gone to bed earlier, I wouldn't have been so tired today.
  9. If she had listened to my advice, she wouldn't have made that mistake.
  10. If we had booked the tickets earlier, we wouldn't have paid so much.
  11. If he had worked harder, he would have earned a higher salary.
  12. If they had followed the instructions, they wouldn't have damaged the machine.
  13. If I had taken the other route, I wouldn't have been stuck in traffic.
  14. If she had started learning the language earlier, she would have been fluent by now.
  15. If they had signed the contract, they wouldn't have lost the opportunity.

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